So.....what IS the AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes?
The Sweepstakes is a program for stallion owners in the US & Canada to promote their stallions, and their offspring. The majority of these stallions do not stand to outside mares except through this program.
Cost to nominate a stallion is $200. For that, the stallion owner (or manager) may designate a mare and a 2nd breeding to that stallion is put up for auction in an online auction, so stallion owners must be willing to take in an outside mare. They may also bid on their own stallion, which would allow them to have 2 foals eligible to show in the Sweepstakes Class at Nationals.
All $$ (-5%) are put in a pot and paid out to the top 8 foals and top sire in the 2 Sweepstakes classes held at the AMHR Nationals. Payouts can be substantial, depending on the number of stallions nominated, and how robust the bidding is!
For complete rules, nomination forms, and results from previous years go to the buttons at the top of this page. Hoping you will join us!!