Rules & Forms

Nominating Stallions
This sweepstakes is open to registered AMHR stallions. You MUST be a member of ASPC/AMHR/ASPR to participate in the Sweepstakes.
The stallion nomination fee is $200 per stallion. An owner may nominate more than one stallion.
The stallion MUST be nominated for the AMHR Futurity. Futurity nominations are always due the foaling year by March 1st.Visit https://www.shetlandminiature.com/amhr-futurity for the Futurity Form.
Stallions MUST be DNA tested through the University of Kentucky via the AMHR Sweepstakes or UC Davis. CLICK HERE for the Kentucky DNA form. This is the stallion owner's responsibility and at their expense ($32.00/each. Price increased in 2021). DNA results for stallions already DNA tested at UC-Davis for AMHA will be accepted. Once a stallion is DNA'd they DO NOT have to re DNA each year if participating in the Sweepstakes. DNA is due by February 1st of the foaling year.
DNA test results, whether directly through the University of Kentucky or results from UC-Davis, MUST be submitted by February 1st, in order for the resulting foal(s) to be eligible to show in the Sweepstakes classes. NO EXCEPTIONS (unless evidence of submission in the event of lost DNA sample can be provided, in which case DNA must be re-submitted immediately). We will be verifying compliance around March 1st. Once a Stallion is DNA'd they DO NOT have to re DNA each year.
The stallion nomination fee allows the stallion owner one foal from the nominated stallion into the sweepstakes class (see Mare Rules concerning declaring the mare, DNA requirements, etc.).
Nominations OPEN ________________ and close _________________, and the nomination fee of $200.00 for each stallion must be paid in full and postmarked by_________________ (checks, money orders, All major credit cards accepted).
Submission of a nomination form is a CONTRACT TO PAY. Nomination fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Non-payment will result in being banned from future Sweepstakes and place the owner in "bad standing" with ASPC/AMHR.
In the event of stallion death or unsoundness for breeding, NO substitution is permitted. If death or unsoundness happens BEFORE breeding of desired/declared mares, funds will be refunded to the stallion owner and winning bidder.
An invoice will be sent to stallion owners from the Registry Office. Checks for stallion nomination fees shall be made payable to: AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes
Mail to:
ATTN: AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes
81 B East Queenwood Road
Morton, IL 61550
Mare Rules:
Mares MUST be AMHR registered.
The mare MUST be nominated for the AMHR Futurity. Futurity nominations are always due the foaling year by March 1st.Visit https://www.shetlandminiature.com/amhr-futurity for the Futurity Form.
The mare that will be bred to the Sweepstakes stallion MUST be DNA tested at the mare owner's expense by University Of Kentucky or UC Davis ($32.00/each. Price increased in 2021 for University of KY). CLICK HERE for the Kentucky DNA form. DNA results for mares already DNA tested at UC-Davis for AMHA will be accepted. DNA is due by February 1st of the foaling year.
DNA test results, whether directly through the University of Kentucky or results from UC-Davis, MUST be submitted to by February 1st, in order for the resulting foal(s) to be eligible to show in the Sweepstakes classes. NO EXCEPTIONS (unless evidence of submission in the event of lost DNA sample can be provided, in which case DNA must be re-submitted immediately). We will be verifying compliance around March 1st. Once a Mare is DNA'd they DO NOT have to re DNA each year if chosen as the designated mare.
Mare owner is responsible for all transportation fees, AI or chute fees, mare care fees, or other fees as specified by the stallion owner in their nomination agreement (such as, but not limited to: veterinarian care, vaccinations, ultrasounds, etc.).
Names of mares/mare designation form MUST be submitted to Jill Gleason in the office by February 1st (OF THE FOALING YEAR) in order for the resulting foals to be eligible to show in the Sweepstakes classes at AMHR Nationals.
​It is STRONGLY encouraged to have your mare vet checked in foal before leaving the Stallions owners farm. If a mare does not take or loses the resulting foal of the sweepstakes breeding and can not get re bred in time, there are NO REFUNDS of auction fees.
If you do NOT intend to show in the Sweepstakes Class then you do not have to Designate a mare, DNA or Futurity Nominate.
Bidding Rules
Stallion owners MAY bid on their own stallions
You MAY bid on a stallion even if you do not intend to show in the Sweepstakes class. If you do, then you MUST follow all the Mare rules. If you do NOT intend to show in the Sweepstakes Class then you do not have to follow the Mare rules.
Bids will be accepted on the 'live' auction site.
Bidder will be contacted if outbid and will have a chance to raise their bid, or they may put in a maximum bid. The bid increment will be $50.00.
Bids will be accepted beginning ______________________ and will end on _________________ at approximately 7:00 PM in each time zone, based on the time zone where the stallion is located. If a bid comes in right at the end of auction, it will extend the auction another 5 minutes, giving others an opportunity to raise the bid. Each bid received at that point will extend the auction 5 minutes, just like a REAL auction!
Opening bid is a minimum of $200.00.
The high bidder and stallion owners will be contacted and sent an invoice on approximately ____________, or as soon as bids can be confirmed.
Submission of a bid is a CONTRACT TO PAY. Bids must be postmarked and paid in full by April 1st. Non-payment will result in being banned from future Sweepstakes, and place the bidder in "poor standing" with ASPC/AMHR, and the resulting foal SHALL NOT be registered. Payment will be accepted by check, money order, all major credit cards. If the high bidder fails to pay their bid in full by April 1st, the next highest bidder will be contacted. (Stallion owners are STRONGLY encouraged to verify if payment has been received before covering an outside mare.)
Payment for winning bids shall be made payable to: AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes via check or credit card.
Mail to:
ATTN: AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes
81 B East Queenwood Road
Morton, IL 61550
In the event that the 2nd breeding if won by a parti other than the stallion owner is forfeited, sold or couldn't be fulfilled for whatever reasons: The stallion owner & initial winning bidder, in ONE email, MUST contact Jill@shetlanminiature.com and cc mjminis@yahoo.com and disclose who will be getting the 2nd breeding or if there will even be one.
AMHR Sweepstakes Foal Rules
All foals exhibited in the AMHR Sweepstakes MUST be AMHR registered prior to the AMHR National Show.
All foals MUST meet current AMHR height requirements for weanlings and will be measured at their arrival to the AMHR Nationals.
All sexes may be shown together and there may be a separation equally by height, based on the official measurement at the National Show. (i.e., number of foals will be divided equally between the two classes, based on official measurements and does NOT mean the class will be split according to "open class" height splits) Class splits will be posted at least 1/2 day prior to the scheduled time to show, PROVIDED people have had their foals measured. To facilitate this, foals should be measured by the end of the AM classes on the day PRIOR to the judging of sweepstakes.
There will be no additional entry fee for the AMHR Sweepstakes, but the foals will be required to pay current stall, shaving, etc. show fees to the AMHR Nationals.
The class will be scheduled and shown at AMHR Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Foals MUST be entered in one of the two Sweepstakes classes by the AMHR National deadline and the entries mailed to the show manager even if registration is pending or not sent in yet. No late entry at Nationals permitted.
The class will be judged as a regular halter class.
The class will be judged using the three judge system and judges will not be announced until show time.
The class will be placed 1st through 10th place and will be awarded National rosettes.
All monies paid for stallion nominations and services collected will be jackpotted (less up to 5% for expenses) for the Sweepstakes Classes purse.
The Sweepstakes purse will pay 1st through 8th place at the following rates:
1st - 25%
2nd - 20%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
5th - 7%
6th - 5%
7th - 4%
8th - 4% -
The stallion owner of the 1st place foal in each class will be awarded 10% of the purse.
1st through 10th place foals will be DNA tested immediately after the class is held. The cost of DNA testing will be covered by the AMHR Sweepstakes program.
Names of all AMHR-carded judges present at the AMHR National Show who do not have a vested/conflict of interest in the Sweepstakes (i.e., do not own a nominated stallion, mare, or entered foal or who are not showing a nominated foal), and who are willing to judge the class, will be put in a hat. Three names will be drawn by a disinterested party and will be announced just prior to the class. One judge will be randomly selected as "call judge" and placings will be scored according to the formula for placing all Nationals classes.
Important AMHR SWEEPSTAKES Deadlines!
​​​2024 Auction (To show in 2025)
Stallion Nominations Due........................................January 19th 2024
Auction Starts ...........................................................TBD 2024
Winning Bid Payment Due.......................................April 1st 2024
Mare Designation/DNA..............................................February 1st, 2025
Stallion DNA...................................................................February 1st, 2025
Stallion/Mare Futurity Nomination........................ March 1st, 2025
Foal MUST be entered in a Sweepstakes Class on the AMHR NATIONAL entry form.................................................................June/July 2025
Foal Registered by....................................................August 1st, 2025
2025 Auction (To Show in 2026)
Stallion Nominations Due........................................January 20th 2025
Auction Starts ...........................................................
Winning Bid Payment Due.......................................April 3rd, 2025
Mare Designation/DNA..............................................February 1st, 2026
Stallion DNA...................................................................February 1st, 2026
Stallion/Mare Futurity Nomination........................ March 1st, 2026
Foal MUST be entered in a Sweepstakes Class on the AMHR NATIONAL entry form.................................................................June/July 2026
Foal Registered by....................................................August 1st, 2026