AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction
McCarthys Aloha Silent Partner
McCarthys Cookies & Cream

AMHA | AMHR 260672A Height: 32"
Location of stallion: Lexington, KY
Stallion manager's website: jhperformancehorses.com
Color/markings: Black Pinto
Stud book open/closing date: March 1- July 31, 2024
Cover: Live Cover
Registration papers offered if multiple: AMHR & AMHA
Service guarantee: LFG - foal able to stand and nurse for at least twenty-four (24) hours after birth.
Mare care: $10/day for dry mares/ $12 for wet .
Mare stipulations: Halter Broke/stands tied. Clean culture within 30 days. Can be mare owners vet or JHPH vet, and will be billed directly to owner. Current coggins and health cert.
Height limit: 38"
Shipping: Bidder's responsibility
Other: Mare owner is responsible for all vet bills for their mare except the 14 day pregnancy confirmation/twin check ultrasound.
Silent Partner is a true legend in the Miniature Horse world. He's not only a Reserve World Grand Champion himself, he has a proven track record of producing world and national champions who go on to produce champions. He's a name that's widely recognized and respected. Don't miss the opportunity to breed with this extraordinary stallion!
Kentucky Incentive will be offered as well
Sire: NFC's Superman HOF
Dam: Michigan's Kiss of Hershey HOF
Stallion owner contact information:
Helynn Emory and Lisa Pichler of Gallery Originals
Alachua, FL & Chehalis, WA
Standing at Jessie Hunting/ JH Performance Horses
Lexington, KY 208-244-8648 jessiehunting@gmail.com